Di desa global saat ini, logistik memainkan peran penting dalam menjaga operasi vital tetap berjalan.

Satsaco dibentuk lebih dari 35 tahun yang lalu untuk menjadi penjaga gerbang dan fasilitator dalam keunggulan logistik, sehingga bisnis dapat tumbuh dan berkembang.

Selama bertahun-tahun, Satsaco telah memantapkan dirinya sebagai salah satu spesialis rantai pasokan dan logistik terkemuka di Asia. Namun, kami tidak berpuas diri. Dunia saat ini tidak stabil, bergerak cepat, dan terus berubah. Untuk mengimbangi dan menambah nilai bagi klien kami, satu-satunya cara adalah bergerak lebih cepat, berinovasi secara konstan, dan terus mencari solusi untuk masalah yang paling kompleks sekalipun. Hal ini telah menjadi mantra Satsaco selama 35 tahun, dan akan terus mendorong kami untuk terus maju di tahun-tahun mendatang.
We established Satsaco with the aim of addressing the challenges faced by shippers into Indonesian market. Initially, we focused on shipments to Indonesia via Singapore and quickly gained recognition for our exceptional expertise in this field. To better serve our customers, we later expanded our services to include warehouse and fulfilment services, providing our clients with a one-stop solution for all their logistics needs and simplifying their supply chain.

Our success is attributed to our dedicated and loyal employees, many of whom have been with us for several years and play a crucial role in our continued growth. Satsaco has also forged partnerships with other service providers in various Asian countries, further expanding our presence in the region. Our commitment to technology has also driven our rapid growth, as we recognize its significance and have fully embraced it in our operations.

In 2017, we shifted our focus to e-commerce logistics and have since become a leading provider of logistics solutions for both B2B and B2C customers. Our goal is to continuously provide our clients with innovative solutions that enhance their supply chain and support their business growth. With a focus on customer service, motivated staff, strategic partnerships, and advanced technology, Satsaco is well-positioned to tackle the dynamic challenges of the e-commerce landscape.